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Eseuri: Stefan Arteni. The E-C European Cultural Model. 6. Once Upon a Time.
Scris la Monday, April 06 @ 16:08:45 CEST de catre asymetria |
Lucian Blaga once said:
culture „is not a luxury that humans may concede to themselves as
an embellishment, a luxury which may or may not exist, culture is the
result of a complementary outporing from the specificity of human existence
as such, an existence within mystery and toward revelation.”
With gods about I've roamed,
menwards back to come.
(Ion Pillat)
Lucian Blaga once said:
culture „is not a luxury that humans may concede to themselves as
an embellishment, a luxury which may or may not exist, culture is the
result of a complementary outporing from the specificity of human existence
as such, an existence within mystery and toward revelation.”
Both writing and painting have
been connected to divination and the deciphering of marks, the
form of signs, the participation in or association with mystery.
Setsuzan Tanaka Sensei describes the art of calligraphy thus: “The
Gods speak through the brush strokes drawn by the artist.” The
sanskrit alphabet is called 'devanagari' which literally means 'cities
of the gods.' Giorgio Morandi affirms: “Galileo remarked: the true
book of philosophy, the book of nature, is written with characters different
from our alphabet. These characters are: triangles, squares, circles,
spheres, pyramids, cones and other geometric figures. I feel that Galileo’s
thinking is alive…” The ritual is an actual standing and living
within art, a participation in it, and at the same time an active partaking
in maintaining the process. Alexei Jawlenski once said that the artistic
praxis becomes ritual and the painting itself becomes prayer.
Andrei Vartic has coined the
term ‘Homo Geometricus’ to describe the anonymous creators of ancient
ritual graphic notation systems used as sacred palaeoinformatics in pre-Indo-European Old
Europe: ”The large Cucuteni pots, superbly painted with geometrically
‘written’ philosophical or artistic poems, or the many faceless
figurines incised with geometric signs, all found in Cucuteni-era huts,
represent the highest level reached by a civilization before the appearance
of official Sumerian writing about 3200 BC. The Cucuteni miracle was
based on a millenary knowledge of geometric signs…signs which continue
to protect man’s life even now, within the web of the information
revolution…A careful investigation of thousands of paleolithic and
neolithic incised markings shows that in South-Eastern Europe, ‘Homo
Geometricus’ used a perfect alphabet for communicating and storing
information vital for his beingness…the inhabitants of Old Europe
had knowledge of symmetry, were talking about Heaven and Earth, about
Soul an Spirit, about the necessary balance of action and reaction…”
(Andrei Vartic, O Istorie Geometrica a Lui Homo Sapiens, http://www.scribd.com/doc/8266233/O-Istorie-Geometric-A-a-Lui-Homo-Sapiens-Andrei-Vartic )
Parallel yet independent research
pursued by Western cognitive archaeologistis, linguists and neurophysiologists
recently confirmed Vartic’s findings.
Recursive compositional constructs,
patterned incisions and scratchings [grammata] that branched
both into painting and writing, constitute a compelling indication of
the need for a combinatorial (syntactic) structure: “As a perceptual
phenomenon art is, then, an attempt to render permanent and tangible
that which was formally intangible and fleeting, the seeking of order
in the midst of disorder, the expression of the sense of pattern, harmony
and symmetry synthesised from the immediate, ambient confusion…Symbolic representation, as a means of preserving,
spreading and manipulating information, provided a powerful way of increasing
the capacity of the brain, disengaged from the usual evolutionary constraints…
the extrapolation must be that culture is not so much a sophisticated
embodiment of evolutionary imperatives, but a realisation of the diversity
due to the increased ability to process information in abstract ways.”
(Derek Hodgson, Art, Perception and Information Processing: An
Evolutionary Perspective,
http://mc2.vicnet.net.au/home/cognit/web/index.html )
In a culture immanent interactional
context graphic notation conventions are culturally evolved higher order
cognitions: “…symbolism based on iconicity is cognitively much more
rudimentary than a symbolism requiring the link between referent and
referrer to be negotiated culturally.”(R.Bednarik, Neurophysiology
and Paleoart, http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/srb/cyber/rbednarik6.pdf );
“There seem to be no examples
of representational art without an accompanying geometric tradition
in indigenous groups, yet we often find geometric tradition without
representational art…” (Derek Hodgson, Understanding the Origins
of Paleoart: the Neurovisual Resonance Theory and Brain Functioning, http://www.paleoanthro.org/journal/content/PA20060054.pdf )
The high-context nature of
ancient society allows individuals to use inferences and indirect references.
A viewer may require little more than reminders to recall, as much has
been absorbed through osmosis in the culture: “In entirely non-figurative
arts as well as those that use highly ‘stylized’ versions of iconicity
it is impossible to know the referrer, unless one has direct access
to the cultural conventions in question. Moreover, in the last-named
art form, concepts or ideas involving no figuratively definable referents
can readily be ‘depicted’. It is therefore clearly the most sophisticated
art genre, and can communicate unlimited numbers of ideas, in rather
the same way as written characters.”(R.Bednarik, Towards a Theory
of Cognitive Origins,
http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/srb/cyber/rbednarik7.pdf )
Sign systems are used for mnemo-techical
purposes: “The intentions of those who created writing systems did
not primarily lie in the exact rendering of speech sounds but in the
fixation of ideas and information of which messages were composed. This
intentional fixation of information for reuse bears all the characteristics
of what we understand as writing, regardless of the missing connection
with language…In this pattern, an idea is visually associated with
a sign of writing via its representational form (that may be identified
with a certain object) or – in the case of an abstract sign – via
its conventional use…” (Harald Haarmann, The Danube Script and other
Ancient Writing Systems: A Typology of Distinctive Features, The Journal
of Archaeomythology, Volume 4, Number 1, Winter 2008)
Graphic notations were not
meant to stand alone, they were intended as a support for memory and
ritual demonstration. “From the very beginning, the signs
used in Old European writing seem to have been associated with…cosmology,
philosophy, magic, ritual, divination, shamanism and healing…All life
was lived in a magical cosmology…The script would be a shamanic tool
with magical overtones…it was a tool for communicating with the gods.”
(Roger Calverley, The Primal
Runes. Archetypes of Invocation and Empowerment, http://books.google.com/books?id=z8p4O6ynhzMC&pg=PR3&lpg=PP1&ots=dcUl_QfIgi&dq=roger+calverley+the+primal+runes&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=html )
Ritualization increases impact
through the use of repetition, high intensity, strong contrasts, alerting
signals, and stereotypy in basic units. James W.Carey writes: “Ritualization
sees the original or highest manifestation of communication…in the
construction and maintenance of an ordered, meaningful cultural world
that can serve as a control and container for human action.”
Ritual is communication in a mythic tongue, the expression of a universe
of experience, compressed into an economy of symbols overloaded into
archetype. Ritual is the performance that binds (‘religare’) the
individual and the specific to the universal and archetypal. “This
model has its origins in the research into…oral-formulaic high-context
cultures of presence vested in repetition and ritual. From a contemporary
perspective, this is a technique of cyclical rejuvenation, which, as
Friedrich Nietzsche put it, literally burns memory into humans,” remarks
Hartmut Winkler.
Marcel Griaule speaks of 'graphic
facts' constituting a shared repository of materialized memory. The
function of the concrete mark is conceived by Simon Battestini in an
experiential ritual context, ritual being viewed as a crucial process
in the texture of memory storing and communicative cultural behavior.
Roger Schank introduces the notions of dynamic memory framework and
Memory Organization Packet theory, that is continuously refined experience-based
memory schemata. Elaborate but thrifty graphic formulaic symbolic clusters
of notation and their metrical rhythmic systems are
trans-linguistic. Graphical
processing re-makes, re-creates, re-members the system each time it
is actualized. The shaman-artist is a thoughtful guardian of lore.
Old Europe was a cultural multiplex
which emphasized continuity. Later traditions carry the memory of that
ancient legacy. Some
markings and the knowledge they embodied remained in use and were remembered
down the centuries (Andrei Vartic, Complexul monastic rupestru de la
Țipova, uriaș templu solar și observator astronomic al antichității,
Presented at: Simpozionul științific „Cucuteni – 5000”, Universitatea
Tehnică din Republica Moldova, Chișinău, 3-4 octombrie, 2007). Deep-rooted
cultural and mythic patterns persisted. Craft specialization and elaborate
rituals survived as substratum features. How do we use the language of tradition
to address the present?
The term Danube script is synonymous
with the earlier term Old European script and refers to markings found
on artifacts excavated in south-east European archaeological sites.
The best known culture groups are Vinèa (between the 6th and the 3rd
millennium BC) and Cucuteni (or Cucuteni-Trypillia; between ca.
5500 BC and 2750 BC).
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